Game design document:

This is my first ever game jam. I am pretty happy with what I managed to create given the short time limit (and my poor artistic skills lol), and was impressed with my abilities after only a couple months using Godot. Thanks for playing, please give honest feedback! I would advise you to read below before playing (I was unable to create a tutorial level)


WASD to move

Space to jump

Q and E to change potions

left click to throw

Menu - Escape

Reset level - R

Use of potions

Killing enemies increases the shadow meter, which is consumed upon potion throwing except for the normal potion

  1. normal potion kills enemies
  2. ice potion freezes spikes
  3. dust potion reveals hidden platforms to jump on, usually at high walls with no other way to progress
  4. explosive potion explodes the breakable tiles
  5. petrification potion turns enemies to stone



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